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Romanian VISEnet Junior youngsters: a fun and enthusiastic project, a new experience with students our age

[katja.rinne-koski] - 27. Nov 2020, 11:33
Author: Oana Manuela Stan, rural representative Romania and English teacher at Bahnea school, village of Bahnea, Romania

VISEnet Junior is a new concept of the VISEnet project, which has been made known recently to the youngsters in our rural community, Bahnea. I accepted the challenge of collaborating with other countries by sharing ideas, experiences, thinking that it will bring my students to another sphere, that of knowing other youngsters and their preoccupations.

The first moment I proposed to my youngsters the invitation to participate in this project, after explaining them what it meant, they smiled and many questions were asked. When the team was created and we had the first meeting, I mobilized them and let them continue the work and fun. All the meetings were fun and full of enthusiasm and they kept asking me when the next meeting was; they enjoyed meeting and having fun together.

The video was the part which changed their vision about their village. As we were shooting the video, they were confronted with the thrill of being in front of the cameras, a totally new experience for them and myself, I admit. When the video was ready they saw it with the eyes of an outsider, made them aware about the place where they live in and which they will leave, in search for a future.

Being part in the VISEnet project gave me the chance to see how other rural villages develop and the preoccupation for their youngsters, a very important part in this development.

Check out the video where Romanian students from Bahnea village, Mures county with their professor Oana Manuela Stan are presenting their community for their peers in the VISEnet project in the VISEnet Junior activity:


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