Landscape, Democracy and the European Union

ERASMUS+ Jean-Monnet-Module funded by the European Commission 2018 - 2021


The Jean-Monnet-Module Landscape, democracy and the European Union bridges knowledge gaps between the objectives
of the EU's sustainability strategy 2030, relevant EU policies, programmes and instruments in the fields of environment and regional development and the actual professional practice of landscape and urban planners, designers, agronomists and regional developers on the ground.

We will start the winter term part of our seminar on October 6, 2021. The seminar group meets only online.
Sessions are held weekly on Wednesdays between 14 00 and 15 30 CET.

Download course outline with assignments

Our seminar is free of charge. Please register here.

Our schedule for the winter term:

Phase A - From Europe to the European Union (repeated from summer term)
A.1   06/10/2021     Landscape, Democracy and the European Union
A.2   13/10/2021     Uncovering the European Union
A.3   20/10/2021    The political environment of the European Union
A.4   27/10/2021    European Union Policy in the Context of Landscape and Democracy
Phase D - Environmental and Nature Protection in the European Union
D.1    3/11/2021      Environmental Impact Assessment
D.2   10/11/2021     Natura 2000 - International Perspectives
Phase E - Landscape and Water
E.1   27/11/2021    The Water Framework Directive
E.2   24/11/2021    The Floods Directive
E.3   01/12/2021    Interim review of individual topics
Phase F - Landscape and Climate Change
F.1   08/12/2021    European Landscapes in the Light of Climate Change
F.2   15/12/2021    Renewable Energy and the European Union
Phase G - Landscape, Democracy and the European Union: Conceptual Connections
G.1     12/1/2022      Landscape, Democracy + the European Union: Conceptual connections
G.2     19/1/2022      Presentation of working groups

If you have any questions please contact the seminar coordinator Dr Ellen Fetzer.

Course coordination: Dr. Ellen Fetzer and Prof. Dr. Michael Roth
Associated faculty: Prof. Dr. Mirijam Gaertner, Prof. Dr. Markus Frank, Prof. Dr. Christian Küpfer, Prof. Dr. Markus Reinke (HSWT) and various guest lecturers from practice.
After successful completion of the course, learners are expected to have developed….
  1. a holistic understanding of the EU’s overall vision and strategic goals and how those goals translate into directives and regulations
  2. knowledge of how those policies are made, who are the actors and how the decision-making processes are structured, what is the role of the European Parliament and how citizens and stakeholders can get involved in shaping those policies
  3. knowledge of how the EU’s environmental policy links to related but equally relevant policy fields, in particular agriculture and rural development, regional and urban policy and climate action.
  4. knowledge of how EU policy is related to and complementing with other international/European policy actors in the field of environment/landscape and sustainable development.
  5. a strong awareness of the political dimension of the planning profession and the development of competences for planners and designers to become active citizens who can not only promote and steer sustainable development on the ground in a democratic way but also help shaping the political framework of at a European scale.
  6. knowledge of European instruments and funding schemes that are at hand to support their work at local scale
  7. competence to link a local landscape context to the EU’s policy framework and to conceive sustainable solutions that make constructive use of EU instruments and funding schemes (such as Life+ and Interreg projects, Natural Capital Financing Facility, Green direct payments for farmers)it
This Jean-Monnet seminar aims to inform and raise awareness for the goals and values of European Union.  In particular, we want to discuss the EU's activities for the sustainable development of our everyday living environment: our landscapes.

Our target audience is both interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary: any student or interested citizen is warmly invited to join our discussion. We address in particular students from landscape architecture, landscape and urban planning, agronomy, regional development and sustainable development studies.

This seminar is hosted, organized and managed by Nürtingen-Geislingen University and a joint offer of the Faculty for Landscape Architecture, Environmental and Urban Planning and the E-Learning Unit of the Centre for University Didactics.

The online mode of this seminar allows any student to participate from any location. Academic recognition for credit-seeking students is provided at Nürtingen-Geislingen University within the framework of our HfWU-Modules. If you join in from a different institution you have the possibility to receive a certification for your seminar performance which equals 3 ECTS per semester. You need to seek individually for recognition at your home university, similar to any bilateral ERASMUS recognition processes.
Registrations are received ongoing and only online.

There is no registration fee. This seminar is a Jean-Monnet-Activity and supported by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union.
DIn order to monitor individual learning progress, the seminar participants will develop a concept map before and after the seminar. The concept map will ask for a conceptual representation of the question 'What is the relation of landscape, democracy and the European Union?'.

In addition, our seminar participants will reflect the different policy topics presented during the lectures against their own landscapes. This reflection will be documented and presented during an interim and a final seminar presentation.

The reflection will be accompanied by an intercultural discourse of the seminar participants. In this way, we will discuss similarities and differences with regard to the implementation of Euroan Union policies across Europe. Non-EU participants are encouraged to reflect the challenges and potentials of their landscapes agains EU goals, objectives and policy measures.

Requirements for academic recognition:
  • Submission of the pre- and post seminar concept maps
  • Regular participation and engagement in the classroom discussions
  • Preparation and presentation of the course assigment
  • Participation in group exercises during class
Submission format:
  • 20 minutes PPT presentation with oral presentation (10 minutes) and discussion (10 minutes) on January 19, 2022
For more information, download course outline with assignments
Phase A - From Europe to the European Union
A.1   31/03/2021     Landscape, Democracy and the European Union - Seminar Introduction
A.2   07/04/2021     Uncovering the European Union
A.3   14/04/2021     The political environment of the European Union
A.4   28/04/2021     European Union Policy in the Context of Landscape and Democracy

Phase B - Landscape and Agriculture in the European Union
B.1   06/05/2021    Our landscapes in the light of the Common Agricultural Policy
B.2   12/05/2021    Greening the CAP in Practice
B.3   19/05/2021    Development perspectives in agriculture and landscape development
B.4   02/06/2021    Interim review of individual topics

Phase C - Landscape and Regional Development Policy in the European Union
C.1   09/06/2021   Our landscapes in the light of the Regional Development Policy
C.2   16/06/2021    Rural Case Study: Regional Development
C.3   23/06/2021    Urban Case Study: Regional Development
C.4   30/06/2021    Revision Session
C.5   07/07/2021    Final Presentation

Seminar continues in October 2021
Phase A - From Europe to the European Union (repeated from summer term)
A.1   06/10/2021     Landscape, Democracy and the European Union
A.2   13/10/2021     Uncovering the European Union
A.3   20/10/2021     The political environment of the European Union
A.4   27/10/2021    European Union Policy in the Context of Landscape and Democracy

Phase D - Environmental and Nature Protection in the European Union
D.1    3/11/2021      Environmental Impact Assessment
D.2   10/11/2021     Natura 2000 - International Perspectives
D.3   17/11/2021     Natura 2000 - International Perspectives

Phase E - Landscape and Water
E.1   24/11/2021    The Water Framework Directive
E.2   01/12/2021    The Floods Directive
E.3   08/12/2021    Interim review of individual topics

Phase F - Landscape and Climate Change
F.1   15/12/2021    European Landscapes in the Light of Climate Change

Phase G - Landscape, Democracy and the European Union: Conceptual Connections
G.1     12/1/2022      Landscape, Democracy and the European Union: The conceptual connections
G.2     19/1/2022      Presentation of working groups

Outputs of the Jean-Monnet-Module (2018-2021)

pdf   407.41 KB   5. Nov 2021, 10:36   Anzahl Seiten: 1  
pdf   1.94 MB   5. Nov 2021, 10:36   Anzahl Seiten: 16  
pdf   21.2 MB   28. Okt 2021, 13:14   Anzahl Seiten: 77  
The module 'Landscape, Democracy and the European Union' has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program, Jean-Monnet Activities, of the European Union under grant no.599135-EPP-1-2018-1-DE-EPPJMO-Module. The European Commission is not responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.