Blended Learning Activity 1 - The Landscape of the Romanian Black Sea

The first blended learning activity starts in spring 2018 and includes an intensive study programme on the Romanian Black Sea


Open online course and workshop in Mangalia, Romania

The CO-LAND programme is offered by a 7-University Consortium in cooperation with ISOCARP and the LE:NOTRE Institute.

The goal is to empower future planners and designers through an interdisciplinary, problem-based learning environment that enhances the innovative competencies needed for addressing spatial, social, cultural and environmental challenges in Europe.


Seminar Wiki

The entire seminar process is documented on the COLAND wiki.

Key dates

Online course                  23.03.-15.06.2018, weekly sessions on Fridays from 15 00 – 16 30 pm CET
Mangalia workshop       16.-25.09.2018 hosted by Ovidius University Constanta in cooperation with the municipality of Mangalia
Mangalia beach with a view to the North on the adjacent resorts developed in the 1970‘s, photo: Ellen Fetzer


pdf   66.13 MB   30. Dez 2020, 10:49  
pdf   5.54 MB   7. Mär 2018, 22:25